Self-help books, retreats, sports, personal development seminars or apps, inspirational talk – the list of solutions used for life improvement can go on and on since we need more and more resources to cope with the craze that life has become.

But these may not work for all of us.

In fact, I’d say that, more than ever, we need to be aware of our uniqueness and gifts and forge a unique manner of making sense of the world. 

It takes a bit of patience to find the right combination which serves you – and not everyone else.  That said, there are still places you might not have explored yet, so this is where I thought of stepping in and crafting 3 suggestions. Follow me through and see whether they fit you all right.

1. Allowing for Vulnerability

Allowing ourselves to be in a vulnerable position is one of the best teacher human nature can learn from. It ultimately helps us:

  • face our fears
  • discover how we react when put to the test
  • admit to our limitations
  • have a more realistic depiction of ourselves
  • surpass inferiority complexes as well as egotistical tendencies.

The more we accept ourselves as we are, the more we understand how we work and how we should tackle crisis moments occurring throughout our lives. But how can we create this place of constructive vulnerability?

life improvement

Travel alone. Maybe face one of your greatest fears. Do a few things you would have never done. Make efforts to talk to people you really disagree with.

And then, you’ll see how you’ll get better at taking the time to do unbiased soul-searching. Life improvement is only a natural consequence after that.

2. Recording

Day-to-day observational skills are priceless whatever life you’re leading. They help you:

  • keep your mind occupied when dealing with extremely stressful situations
  • detect incoming crises in their early stages
  • create healthy patterns.

One way of nurturing these patterns is to keep a daily account of each day or week. You decide the frequency and the means (you can use apps, desktop notes, diaries, whatever suits well with your habits).

When you record details of what you’ve seen or experienced – no matter how that small ‘something’ was – you can better appreciate what you’ve got. And, as I’m sure you know, gratefulness is one sure key to realistic expectations and, thus, to happiness and life improvement. 

3. Energy Healing

I’ve seen so many cases where energy healing was not initially considered a truly transformational resource.

life improvement

And yet, it keeps changing lives.

It’s because it:

  • instils inner peace
  • operates at the deepest level
  • gives your soul new eyes to see the world with
  • clears the deepest energy blockages.

Life Improvement Is Not a Straightforward Path. It’s Rather a Meandering Stream

But you have a guide in me – and this is not just empty talk. 

Life is a boat you are leading down a capricious stream. No one will know the true nature of your struggles, so it’s time you assume the leading role, accept there will be some storms along the way and try to anticipate your reactions the best you can.

Choose your advisors wisely while also appreciating the strength and the fire the Universe has put inside you. Win, love and conquer and I’ll be elated to introduce you to the One Family of wonderful wise souls.


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