Energy healing training is an incredibly powerful way to channel your inner healer and learn how to manipulate the energy circuits which are present in the physical or subtle bodies.

And one of the first things people want to know about this forceful practice is what kind of sensations, emotions and thoughts can they expect to encounter during this process.

Each one of us is special and unique.  So, everyone will receive the gift of healing differently. Still, some things are extremely likely to occur to you.

You can read all about them below.

1. Feeling Your Body Tingling with Energy

Your body communicates; it is a vessel where energy flows. And each cell of your body contains the extraordinary ability to perceive, receive and offer energy.  

During energy healing training, you will experience a rush of energy and power, and your body will feel revitalized and renewed.

energy healing training

You will feel lighter and warmer, like a burden has been lifted off your shoulders. Also, a gentle thrilling sensation might take over you as you learn to activate the body’s innate healing mechanisms and restore its natural vitality. 

2. Inner Peace and Stillness

The guidance you will receive during energy healing training will help you deepen your understanding of the present moment.

As you embrace the profound nature of the training, you will begin to seize that everything you have done in your life, everything that you’ve experienced so far, has led you to this exact moment.

And you’ll feel calm and reassured knowing that the present, the moment right now, belongs to you.

Anxiety about the past and the future will start to slowly fade away, as you sharpen your perception and become more spiritually conscious of a richer, meaningful life.

3. Experiencing Fearlessness during Energy Healing Training

Fear is an incredibly complex emotion which is often rooted in guilt, anger, lack of confidence or feelings of worthlessness.

One of the things you can experience during energy healing training is a sudden burst of joy and fulfilment which cancels the noise of fear in your mind.

Your awareness will open up to new possibilities, and this will bring out the power in you.

What’s more, you’ll understand that most of the fears and problems in life are self-created and just unnecessary products of the mind.

As you begin to acknowledge that your mind is limitless, the fear within you will dissipate, and pure, positive energy will replace the space it once occupied

energy healing training

4. Feeling Grounded in Your Spirituality

We are all rooted in our higher selves, that Divine spark which helps us stay in touch with our true life mission.

But every time we deny our feelings and instincts, every time we force ourselves to shut down that inner voice which is meant to guide us, the bonds weaken.

And when we separate from our higher selves, we begin to feel purposeless; like we are drifting away into nothingness and our lives have no meaning.

During energy healing training, you are likely to feel the call to fulfil a higher purpose that you haven’t been able to acknowledge so far.

Now You Know

There is a lot of confusion and misinterpreting when it comes to what happens during an energy healing training session. But, hopefully, this article has helped you understand things better.

The Universe has led you here for a reason. Being able to act as a guiding beam of light and energy for others is a privilege and a gift the Universe has given us.

But remember that everyone’s healing journey is exceptionally distinct. No one else can walk in your shoes. Your path is yours alone.