Alternative healing methods are starting to get more and more recognition for their powerful benefits. People from all over the world are diving into practices such as Meditation, Reiki, Acupuncture, or Color Therapy to facilitate the body’s innate healing mechanisms.

These are all fantastic forms of therapy, but in this article, I want to share with you a less known practice which allows us to heal with sound. 

Using sounds to access a different dimension of self and activate healing from within is not anything new. The overtone chanting from Central Asia, for instance, has been around for thousands of years.

The best part is that anyone can use this form of treatment to improve their overall wellbeing, feel rejuvenated and more fulfilled. If this is something you’re eager to know more about, keep on reading.

How Does Sound Affect Us?

Any sound we listen to influences all aspects of our lives.

First off, our bodies respond differently to different sounds. Just think about it. How does the sound of soothing ocean waves make you feel compared to that of a jackhammer?

In the first case, you are most likely to feel your muscles relax and your breath regulate as opposed to your body tensing up and your heart racing.

There’s a scientific explanation for why our bodies are so responsive to sound. Our physical bodies are 70%  made of water, and considering sound travels well in water, we are in fact excellent conductors of sound.

Secondly, sound influences us at a psychological level. The best example is music, of course. Music has the power to change our emotional state and our mood instantly.

Sound can also help you access a specific state of mind. For instance, ambient sounds are associated with a focused mindset while upbeat music can help you stay motivated through an intense workout.

The conclusion is simple; sound affects us. In the following lines, I will show you can use this to your advantage.

Heal with Sound: How Does It All Work?

Like everything else in the Universe, we are all made of energy vibrating at different frequencies.

According to extensive research conducted by Bruce Torino,  the frequency of a healthy body is 62-72 Hz. When the value drops below this value, we are more susceptible to disease and hardship.

That said, know that sound frequencies influence your overall frequency, much like how mixing different colours will affect the overall result. Any sound is coded information which travels all throughout your body and mind. Different frequencies target the various densities in the body.

What’s more, the sound vibration imprints upon the ‘matter’ around it, which in the case of the human body includes our organs. As a result, the sound frequency we listen can significantly change our overall field of energy and thus our wellbeing.

To heal with sound is to connect to a sound frequency which resonates inside your body, releases emotional blockages, and expands consciousness.

Connect to The Cosmic Healing Vibration of the Universe

Just like an artist tunes his instrument before a performance, you can harmonize your body, expand into awareness and heal with sound.

You can elevate your entire body to a super-healing state by listening to sounds which have been tuned to the Frequency of Love.

432 Hz is said to be mathematically consistent with the patterns of our Universe, so listening to music tuned to the 432 Hz frequency is a great place to start your healing journey.

We are all connected.  By tapping into the Frequency of Love and healing, you’re not just making your life more meaningful and more rewarding. You are also sustaining the collective consciousness of Love and Unity.

Now that you know more about how to heal with sound, I hope you will use it to reach a superior state of welfare and inner peace.