Would you like to know why I am trying to promote the benefits of energy healing so passionately? It's because there's so much you could achieve if you opened your heart to receive the light and ignite it for...
We've all had problems in our lives. We've all had negative thoughts and even attitudes we're not particularly proud of. They can even be triggered by other people's actions and events that happened to us. All these physical and psychically...
Energy is medicine, which means energy healing is a form of treatment, one that has tangible benefits.  Now, thanks to quantum theory and quantum physics, it has become evident that we can change the circuits in our energy fields. And by...
Throughout the course of our lives, we all have to deal with facts. Facts happening to us, facts in the form of information and data, facts we make possible. So why would energy healing not be the same? Believe it or not,...
remote viewing

What is Remote Viewing?

What is Remote Viewing? Remote Viewing is a psychic skill originally developed and utilized as an operational intelligence gathering tool for the United States Military and Intelligence services for over 23 years from 1972 – 1995. A January 1979 SECRET...
We all have a tremendous natural self-healing potential within ourselves. Unfortunately, though, few people are aware of this. Even fewer people know how to explore this strength to change their lives for the better and live the blissful existence we are all meant to live. I...
Self-healing is one of the most powerful and most efficient types of healings in the world. We can literally manipulate the subtle energy fields in our bodies and rewire them to gain access to health, prosperity, love and boundless joy. Still,...
There are moments in our lives when we feel adrift or less able to make sense of our purpose, of our reasons to go forward. This is actually the common background of people coming to me and saying I need...
You may have heard about them. You may admire their gift. You could rely on them. They're the energy healing facilitators. But did you know you could be more than just a bystander who only witnesses them in awe? You can actually...
Whenever you try out a process through which you experience transformation, you need to consider not carrying out by yourself. Well, the same goes for the transformational process of energy healing. That's right, the power of a collective always enhances...
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