Traumas, existential crises, and data have more in common than you might think.

The common element is energy healing.

If you raised an eyebrow at this claim, let me clarify: healing methods are based on a simple assumption – that energy flows work on a data exchange premise.

From here on, you can take this insight and use it to enrich your life and ignite your fire. I am sure ready to help you achieve new self-awareness and well-being heights, so follow me throughout the following lines.

Energy Healing Is the Ultimate Information Exchange

Healing occurs even at the smallest atomic and cellular scales. At this level, everything is about chemical and electromagnetic exchanges that enable matter to vacillate from one energy status to another.

energy healing

We call these ‘exchanges,’ but they’re essentially data transfers and code conversions. Once their flow is disrupted, information is no longer transfused properly – which leads to energy bottlenecks blocking the transfer pathways.

And what disrupts the natural flow of information?

Unresolved traumas, emotional distress, issues we’ve overlooked just because they seemed less impactful.

And even if you did approach them with allopath medication, don’t be surprised when they recur. Medication only fixes chemical imbalances, but they are prone to reappear whenever the root cause manifests itself again.

As opposed to allopathy, energy healing is not limited to interventions at a purely chemical level. Its action targets the information patterns that have been blocked and repairs the affected sequence.

Light and Sound Codes

Since we established energy healing is about information, let’s have a look at light and sound codes to see how information transfer occurs.

They essentially deal with ways in which light and sound data are rendered in patterns. These patterns are dictated by the natural flows of the matter.

Light and sound codes can take the form of:

  • sacred geometrical patterns
  • light patterns
  • the language of light (it enables all forms of matter to communicate based on the same energy code)
  • audio waves patterns

These patterns retain any information (i.e. experience) you carry and are able to track down and locate the data flow block. This block, though not perceivable by the uninitiated souls, is imprinted within the cosmic matrix.

energy healing

What happens with energy healing is that it is conveyed through light and sound codes matching the matrix patterns.

That’s why I’m able to heal you only by talking to you in a certain manner, matching a particular sound frequency. And that – no secret here – is the Frequency of Love. The foundational vibe of the Universe itself.

It’s time you do away with emotional charges and unnecessary loads! Time to unshackle yourself from a subpar existence governed by inferiority complexes.

You are destined to accomplish a divine mission and cultivate the star seed within, not endure a lifetime of traumas and fears.

So let’s spread the light together, let’s thrive and get to an unprecedented level of love that we can share! 


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