Are you decided to leave behind old habits which led you nowhere but backwards?

Are you ready to find new ways towards a purposeful existence?

Have you begun to realize the importance of attracting only good vibes?

Then you might want to start with learning more about the law of resonance. It might not seem like such a transformational step to make, but understanding how this law works is one of the fundamental details ensuring a solid foundation to your renewed way of living.

Because once you acquire this set of knowledge, you’ll want to delve deeper into the cosmic layers your being has been weaved into from the very beginning.

You’ll get a new apprehension of what you are capable of. But more on that, after I explain what this law is all about.

Lawfully Programmed for Greatness

Yes, the Universe has had you programmed for greatness – you only need to access that set of wisdom.

So, you may well start with the Law of Resonance, which is the underlying law governing all that has to do with energies connecting at all levels.

the law of resonance

This law – closely working together with the Law of Attraction – is at the core of a dynamic we frequently encounter throughout life. When we’re negative – both towards others and ourselves – we’re only attracting negativity. When we stay away from judging and just take everything as is it, it comes easier for us to attract good people, circumstances and connections.

This is enabled by how our bodies’ energies resonate with the other energies we get in contact with.

The Law of Resonance – Deeper Layer of Star Seed Connection

At the quantum level, it’s all about the way energy flows. And in order for it to do that, it needs to be channelled properly.

This is the job done by the Law of Resonance.

I’ll explain how it all works: every system has to deal with intake and outtake. What comes in has to be processed into some sort of outtake.

That’s why every system also has some sort of regulating instance managing this internal flow. But it also manages external flow, ensuring that energetic systems (meaning, each living organism) communicate seamlessly. This instance is called the Law of Resonance and what it mainly does is it matches the frequencies at which two (or several) systems align when coming into contact.

the law of resonance

This whole process happens at such a fine spiritual and energetic level, that it cannot be perceived. We can only sense the effects when an inter- obstructs this flow.

It’s best if you can work towards preventing these instances and one of the best ways of doing so is by close examinations of negative manifestations in your inner life.

Strengthen Your Ties with the Universe

The Law of Resonance manages all the fine interactions occurring in the quantum matrix.

Once you are aware of that, you’re prepared to have a completely different view on the reasons your life is not going in the direction it should.

It only remains that, having attained a deeper understanding of these mechanisms, you’re willing to start working on strengthening your bonds with the cosmic dimension.

You should make sure you never lose contact with your divine ancestry of light and with your true capacity to access the One Love. Will you join the members of the One Family in this journey towards unabridged wisdom and growth?


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