Despite its name, the divine feminine energy is not a concept which applies only to women. This is a universal energy and we all have it within us, in larger or smaller amounts.
It’s also a state of awareness which connects all human beings to the wisdom of the heart and to lead a peaceful, harmonious and loving life.
In this world, there are two polar energies. You may know them as yin and yang.
Yin represents the divine masculine and yang the divine feminine. This is defined by life, creation, birth, motherhood, openness, love, compassion, understanding, wisdom, forgiveness, harmony, sensuality.
Some of us may be in touch with some of these aspects or with all of them in different percentages.
Being connected to this type of energy is a sure way of reaching your higher self and heal your soul.
Here is why and how it will help you achieve all of this.
You Will Become More Connected to Your Feelings
We are all guilty, in a larger or smaller scale, of running from our feelings. Expressing our feelings and emotions is viewed almost as a weakness in today’s modern society.
Being disconnected from our feelings represents, in fact, a disconnection from the divine feminine energy.
By keeping our feelings trapped inside our physical bodies, they will also be locked inside our spiritual bodies, which can potentially lead to physical illnesses.
When you’ll start allowing yourself to express your feelings, the divine feminine will be able to flow through your entire being without encountering any blockages.
You Will Access Your Intuitive Sense
Intuition, or the sixth sense, is a gift of the feminine soul and it’s defined by knowing something even though you’re not quite sure how you know it.
This sense bypasses the mind and transcends the physical and mental planes.
The intuitive sense works best when you are strongly connected to your feelings and emotions.
Also, to enable intuition in your life, you must reinstate trust in your intuitive nature.
We all receive intuitive impulses one way or another. Most of the time, they contradict what your mind would tell you and they might come off as irrational or illogical.
The reason for this is because they come directly from the heart. You may feel the impulse to call someone you haven’t talked in a while. This urge may not leave you alone until you actually call this person.
You need to trust your intuition and act upon these impulses in order to unlock the power of the divine feminine.
You Will Honour Your Inner Voice
Meditation, contemplation and yoga are sure ways to activate your divine feminine energy and connect to your inner voice.
The inner voice acts like a guidance and it will help you contribute to the world by fulfilling your spiritual role here in this world.
To let the inner voice speak to you, you need to create stillness, silence.
Meditate. Stay still. Focus on your breath. Be patient. Keep going. And listen, listen, listen.
Invite healing into your life by letting your inner voice show you the way.
The Divine Feminine Energy Is a Source of Healing
If you feel like you’re not living the life you should, if you can’t find your place in this world, then you need to tap into your emotions, feelings and thoughts to start finding answers to your deepest questions.
This is what the divine feminine energy is all about.
I love you with my heart, with my soul, with every fibre of my entire being. Together, we can make this world a much more harmonious place.