Energy is the core substance which binds everything in the Universe and beyond together. We’re all connected by this invisible string of vital force which fuels the immense reservoir of life. Nothing could exist without it.

However, there is not just one single expression of energy. Through the power of frequency, energy can be revealed in infinite ways. Everyone, everything has an individual energy signature which vibrates at different frequencies.

Vibrational frequency is extremely important because it influences our physical reality and thus our overall happiness and wellbeing.

The following lines are meant to help you better understand how your energy vibration ultimately shapes all facets of your existence, including your physical welfare.

So let’s get to it!

Frequency Enables Energy to Shape into Form

power of frequency

The key to understanding how to use the power of frequency so as to avoid health challenges is to know how energy manifests in the physical reality.

Vibrational frequency is a dynamic force which allows energy to take any form. This includes everything from a single molecule to planets and even biological structures such as cells.

The frequency influences the form the energy will translate into. High-frequency is associated with positivity, vitality, wellbeing, and strength. On the other hand, low-frequency makes us more vulnerable to disease, as well as mental turmoil.

The Power of Frequency Influences Your State of Awareness

Imagine a drop of water falling into a pond. Think of the effect it produces. It’s the same when it comes to your energy vibration.

When a negative thought or emotion enters your system, it travels across your entire body and lowers your energy frequency. As a result, you may be more vulnerable to experiencing health challenges.

What’s more, negative thinking, which is often fear-based, leads to a shutdown of all emotional responses. You can look at it as a superficial self-inhibiting mechanism meant to numb you down, preserve an initial state of being and lower your state of awareness.

However, this mechanism is not selective, so you also become numb to other emotions, such as love, joy, and intuition.

Ultimately, your state of awareness will mirror your vibrational energy.

The lower the frequency, the more likely you are to feel out of touch with yourself. The higher the frequency, the more present and more conscious of your thoughts you will be.

Also, because the mind affects the body, by elevating your vibration,  you can actually shift the chemicals being released into our body and enhance the state of wellness to avoid disease. 

How to Increase Your Frequency Level

Every thought, emotion and moment affects your vibration.

Pain, anxiety, physical distress; these are actually symptoms that your body’s energy isn’t vibrating correctly.

Energy is something that exists within you and all around you, and you can use the power of frequency to elevate your vibration of being.  Here are two great practices which will help you with that:

  • Meditation. Engaging in this practice regularly to become more aware of your thoughts and enter a state of deep relaxation.
  • Energy healingThere are some fantastic energy healers out there who can offer guidance and support as you walk the path of increasing your frequency.

When your vibration is high, you will experience an incredible sense of living in the flow of the Universe and receiving its healing power.

I want you to experience that because you are an extraordinary being worthy of experiencing extraordinary things. So I hope you will choose to live with a high vibration and ignite your light!