Shamans have always been wrapped up in mythical assumptions regarding their spiritual powers.

In truth, the shamanic healing techniques may rather seem as pertaining to the domain of wonders. So, it’s natural that an uninitiated individual may have a harder time giving them credit for mending bodies and souls.

However, it’s worth pointing out shamans have similar qualities to a medium, given that they’re highly endowed with abilities of connection to the realm of spirits.

Shamanism – an Age-Old Healing Resource

Among many other ‘-ism’s, shamanism is less-known for its therapeutic properties and more for its spiritual implications.

Etymologically, the word shaman comes from a Siberian tribe called Tungus.

Later on, as more indigenous cultures were being discovered, the term started being used as a general denominator for the spiritual practices performed within these tribes and communities.

shamanic healing techniques

Nowadays, it is mostly popular in New-Age circles, as a spiritual alternative for those who are seeking something different. It has also come to be mixed up with several others esoteric practices.

If we’re looking more closely, we can distinguish a few shamanic healing techniques which can give you the most accurate idea of what this spiritual movement is all about.

Extraction Healing

In case you’re a person seeking spiritual betterment, you may already know about intrusions and blockages resulted from past physical and spiritual wounds.

These will remain untraced in your DNA and tissues, causing outbursts of negative energies and outcomes.

What shamanism sees in these patterns is a spirit which has mistakenly or wrongly ‘attached’ to the aura. These spirits are wandering entities which are considered ‘misguided’ because they are not strong enough to incarnate. Until they become stronger, they’ll drain you of vital energy.

What the extraction healing technique does is practically a more proficient guidance of these weak spirits towards a suitable ‘spiritual home’ for them.

Power Animal Retrieval

One of the shamanic beliefs is each soul has a corresponding spiritual animal harnessing its power and protecting it against malevolent intrusions.

Even more than that, the spirit animal is an invaluable source of wisdom.

Shamans attribute life crises to our lack of connection to the spirit animal. So, shamanic healing techniques, in this case, will strive to re-establish the sacred bond we share with our source of spirit-fuelled wisdom.

In other words, power animal retrieval is practically a reunion with the totems which accompany us from the very inception of our lives.

shamanic healing techniques

Soul Retrieval

It is believed by shamans that, once we experience deep traumas, a part of our soul ‘leaves’ us. We may think we’re able to go past that particularly problematic time, when in reality we’re leading a life which is bereft of a precious part of ourselves.

That’s where shamanic healing techniques come into play: shamans can perform rituals of soul retrieval.

Once these come into effect, you’ll no longer feel disconnected from your purpose and you’ll regain abilities and strength to refill your life with vitality and a sense of direction.

Will Shamanic Healing Techniques Mend All Your Ailments?

The answer to this question is to be found within the depths of your soul. As long as you’re willing to tap into a whole new dimension of consciousness and really engage on this path, you can sustain any spiritual change you want.

Shamans work with spirit helpers in order to reconnect you to your actual nature, so it only takes you a bit of trust in their abilities to invoke and channel those entities.

They’re here for you to help you thrive. Will you let them?